Wednesday, November 20

CbB: Easy Peasy Chili and Sausage Omelette


It really is an easy breakfast to be served in bed! Even if you have to make the breakfast yourself and jump back into bed to enjoy it, it still counts as breakfast in bed. No?

Chilli and Sausage Omelette served with Fried Yam, Plantain and hot sauce

The making....

Green chili
Yellow and Red Habaneros
Beef Sausage
Italian seasoning(a mix of dried herbs)
Cooking butter

To show how easy peasy this really is, it has just 4 steps!!!
1. Chop peppers, onions and sausage and sprinkle a pinch of garlic, Italian seasoning and salt
2. Heat a table spoon of cooking butter in your non-stick frying pan and throw in the spiced mix in step 1 and allow to sweat on low heat (I like my peppers and onions very much alive)
3. Increase the heat, beat your eggs and salt, pour into the frying pan, making sure it covers the base so no ingredient is left out
4. After about 2-3mins, flip over and fry the other side for about the same time.

And voila!!!!

Your omelette is good to go! You can enjoy with toast, noodles, chips or just as i did with fried yam and plantain.

Don't forget to jump back into bed to enjoy......... :D